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Raw Honey Spread

Product image 1Raw Honey Spread
Product image 2Raw Honey Spread
Product image 3Raw Honey Spread
Product image 4Raw Honey Spread

Regular price $12.00


Our Raw Honey Spread is our original spreadable honey. 

Made with only pure Wisconsin clover honey it's the closest thing to eating honey from the hive! Try it on your toast, bagel, or english muffin, mix it into oatmeal, drizzle on ice cream, or eat it with a spoon! There are unlimited possibilities to experience the deliciousness!

RAW: clover honey

Our honey creams are dairy-free and made when we harness honey's natural crystallization process to make it into a spreadable and creamy treat!

Kosher Certified & Gluten Free Certified & Big 9 Allergen Free

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