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Why You Can Trust Honey Acres to Be ALLERGEN-FREE!

It may surprise you that an estimated 32 million Americans suffer from a food allergy. That means one in every ten ad...

Five Amazing Benefits of Bee Pollen

A worker bee leaves her hive and travels up to three miles to collect pollen and nectar from surrounding plant life. ...

Thrive with These Benefits of Honey Acres Royal Jelly

Did you know? Queen bees can live up to 50 times longer than worker bees! This is thanks to the special food provided...

Honey Spread - What Is It and How Do I Use It?

Once you try honey spread, you'll never return to other spreads. With no refined sugars and no dairy, our Honey Acres...

Crystalized Honey: Did my honey go bad?

Don’t throw out your crystallized honey! Honey crystallization is normal and doesn’t affect the honey’s quality or flavor. In fact, it means your honey is pure and natural. Keep reading to learn why...
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