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Honey Straws - 500 Count - Chocolate Mint

Product image 1Honey Straws - 500 Count - Chocolate Mint
Product image 2Honey Straws - 500 Count - Chocolate Mint
Product image 3Honey Straws - 500 Count - Chocolate Mint

Regular price $78.00


500 Chocolate Mint Honey Straws in each Case Approx. Enough to keep the kids busy for awhile! Great for baby showers and events for a quick sweet treat.

They can come individually wrapped in a clear outer wrapper that keeps them clean while on display. Otherwise, naked with no wrapper is available as well, please select which you prefer. Thank you!

Perfect for Farmers Markets, Wedding Favors, or Retail. 

Are you a reseller? Looking for quantity discounts, different flavors or you would like to run your own honey into straws? Give us a call! 920-474-4411

Bulk Straws are sometimes made to order. Please be patient as we stock up. Orders can take up to 1-2 weeks to ship.


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